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Created and Maintained by Monkey Solutions
We are a group of national companies with a tradition of innovation, dedicated to developing and implementing solutions that optimize talent management and administration for our clients in Human Capital.
As pioneers in outsourcing services in Costa Rica, we provide solutions that have contributed to the development of organizations, becoming their payroll, administration, and talent attraction department, positioning ourselves as leaders in the country.
Ser el mayor socio de negocios en Costa Rica, México y Latinoamérica en Capital Humano; alineando los valores corporativos a los de nuestros clientes internos y externos; garantizando la calidad de los procesos a través de la tecnología, los colaboradores y la interacción con el cliente.
Brindar a nuestros socios de negocio un servicio enfocado al Capital Humano: nómina, administración y atracción del mejor talento, a través de colaboradores calificados, tecnología de punta, controles y seguridad de clase mundial. Enfocados al resultado y reduciendo costos operativos.
To be the leading business partner in Costa Rica, Mexico, and Latin America in Human Capital; aligning corporate values with those of our internal and external clients; ensuring the quality of processes through technology, employees, and interaction with the customer.
Provide our business partners with a service focused on Human Capital: payroll, administration, and attraction of the best talent, through qualified employees, cutting-edge technology, world-class controls, and security. Focused on results and reducing operational costs.
ONO Group is comprised of specialists and professionals who enrich companies with their expertise in the following areas: Information Technology, Accounting, Social Security, Payroll, Sales, Taxes, Legal Consulting, and Human Resources.
Nuestra filosofía es compatible con nuestra forma de vida y, por ende, se refleja en nuestra cultura organizacional. Nuestros valores han llevado a sentirnos como los alpinistas.
Como consultores en Recursos Humanos, consideramos que al igual que en el montañismo, es importante fijarse una meta cada vez que iniciamos un proyecto, estar conscientes que se puede fracasar en ese día, por el motivo que sea, y rápidamente reaccionar para reconsiderar el camino. Hemos trabajado lo suficiente para escuchar lo que nos dice nuestro socio de negocios y poder escucharnos a nosotros mismos a través del aprendizaje; esto representa ya un triunfo.
¿Y qué decir de la cumbre? Es uno de los momentos más maravillosos, cuando realmente eres consciente de que estás por encima de la expectativa del cliente, eso hacemos en ONO, replanteamos para lograr la más grata experiencia al colaborar. Y es entonces cuando hacemos una pausa y esa preocupación que tenías metida en la cabeza se desvanece y te das cuenta de que, encontraste al mejor socio de negocios.
Our philosophy is in line with our way of life and, therefore, is reflected in our organizational culture. Our values have led us to feel like mountaineers.
As consultants in Human Resources, we believe that, similar to mountaineering, it is important to set a goal every time we start a project, be aware that we may fail on that day, for whatever reason, and quickly react to reconsider the path. We have worked hard enough to listen to what our business partner tells us and to be able to listen to ourselves through learning; this already represents a triumph.
And what about the summit? It is one of the most wonderful moments, when you are truly aware that you are above the client’s expectations, that’s what we do at ONO, we rethink to achieve the most pleasant experience when collaborating. And it is then when we pause and that worry you had in your head fades away and you realize that you have found the best business partner.
It is clear that, to offer a myriad of solutions for Human Capital, you must have the best managing it. That is why at ONO Group, we take responsibility for business ethics, quality of life, connection with the community and the environment; always based on solid relationships between business partners, whether they are clients or suppliers, shareholders, and of course, our employees.
This visible alignment towards the pursuit of excellence allows us to constantly develop our service offerings, so our solutions arise from your needs.